How to Volunteer:
We're excited to have anyone that wants to participate in the PTE volunteer community. Below are the steps required for volunteering.
Volunteers looking to participate at the Concession stand, opening day or other stand alone/one off volunteering events do not require a Volunteer Application, background check, or any organized training. Those volunteers can communicate directly with the Information Officer by sending an email here. For Concession Stand Volunteers, use the Concession Stand Volunteers tab to sign up for specific dates/times.
Only Volunteers who are looking to manage, coach, or be a Board member should continue reading forward. You will need to complete the steps outlined below, please read carefully as some of the steps are for first year managers/coaches/Board members. The materials you will need to submit form your Volunteer Packet. Please accumulate all of the required documents and materials and send in ONE email to the Coaching Coordinator as indicated below.
1. Volunteer Application - First year only
Click here for the Volunteer Application
2. Driver's License - First year only
Send a front and back scan/copy of your driver's license with the rest of your packet as indicated below.
3. Abuse Awareness for Adults Training - Every year
Click here for the Abuse Awareness for Adults
The link for the Abuse Awareness for Adults course brings you to the USABDevelops site sign in page.
1. Click “Sign in/Register”
2. Enter all required information
3. Select "Par Troy East LL - Parsippany, NJ" from the “Little League – Local Leagues” drop-down menu and click “+Join”
4. If you have an existing account, click your name in the top right corner, select MY ACCOUNT, and then UPDATE MY PROFILE to link your account with your local Little League.
B. Complete Abuse Awareness for Adults course*
2. Select COURSES
3. Click “Abuse Awareness for Adults”→“+Enroll”→“Go to Course”
4. Complete the course
5. The site will record your progress and maintain your certification, so there is no need to send in your certificate
*If you have completed the Abuse Awareness for Adults course in the past and need an updated certificate, please select the RESTART COURSE button
1. Click your name in the top right corner and select MY ACCOUNT
2. Select COURSES
3. Scroll to the Abuse Awareness for Adults course and click RESTART COURSE
If you are interested in managing or coaching, please continue down this page for further steps IN ADDITION TO THE FIRST
How to become a Manager/Coach:
4. Submit Coaching Certification (if necessary) - First year only if in possession of a Lifetime Coaching Certification
All coaches and managers must be certified to be on the field.
If you hold a coaching certification, however have never coached for PTE, or if your coaching certification has expired
(NYSCA), please provide a scan/copy of your coaching certification card.
If you do not have a coaching certification, please confirm on the PTE Manager/Coach Application that you intend to take certification clinic. Use one of the links below to complete the certification process and submit a copy of your coaching certification card prior to managing/coaching.
Click here for Rutgers Coaches Certification Class info
Click here for the USABDevelops Certification info
5. Complete the online Concussion Training Course - Every year
Little League requires training for youth coaches to ensure proper assessment and management of concussions. In order to be
compliant, PTE is asking for this training to be completed in order to serve as a manager or coach of a team. You must take this course every year. Once the course is finished, you will receive a certificate of completion. Use the link below for completion of the course.
Save your certificate of completion to send with the rest of the Manager/Coach package at the end of these instructions.
CDC Heads Up Youth Sports Concussion Training
6. Complete the PTE Manager/Coach Application - Every year
All new and returning Managers/Coaches, please complete the PTE Manager/Coach Application using the link below.
Save your completed PTE Manager/Coach Application to send with the rest of the Manager/Coach package at the end of these
Click here for the PTE Manager/ Coach Application
NOTE: If you plan to coach and/or manage more than one child, please list the names of children and divisions.
7. Register to Manage/Coach - Every year
Navigate to the Volunteer Registration page. This brings you to the Sports Connect account portal, where players and volunteers are registered. If you're registering a player for the season, it's recommended to do that first before registering to manage/coach. To proceed with Manager/Coach registration, from the My Account page, scroll down to My Roles & Certificates and click on the Register a Volunteer button. This will take you through the process of selecting and completing the Manager/Coach registration of your choice.
FINAL STEP. Send completed package to [email protected]
Please submit all of the required info in the same, one email to keep your forms together and save our volunteers' time.
Your completed package sent should include from the list of 1-6 below:
- For First Year Board members 1&2
- For Returning Board members send nothing (only complete the Abuse Awareness for Adults Training as indicated above)
- For First Year Managers/Coaches 1-6
- For Returning Managers/Coaches 4-6
- For Returning Managers/Coaches with lifetime coaching certification only 5&6
1. Volunteer Application: Completed/signed
2. Driver's License copy (first-time Managers/Coaches only)
4. Coaching Certification Card copy (as appropriate/if not previously submitted to PTE)
5. Concussion Training Course Certificate copy/scan
6. PTE Manager/Coach Application: Completed/certification intent (as appropriate)/signed